Attract More Talent By Being An Evangelist CEO

Ep. 18: Attract More Talent By Being An Evangelist CEO

Can you get your employees to care about your business as much as you do? We’ll discover the keys to inspiring intrinsic motivation in your employees with Pablo Gonzalez, Founder and CEO of Be The Stage.

Join us as we explore the changing dynamics of the employer/employee relationship and uncover the importance of purpose and mission in solving problems and controlling the narrative to serve your ideal clients.

Learn how to evangelize the problem you solve rather than just focusing on your service or product. Pablo provides us with a framework for inspiring a powerful point of view.

He points out the significance of clear communication and aligning everyone in your organization around the problem you solve, and why it matters.

Revealing the power of community creation as a business development tool and how content creation can be embraced to evangelize your message.

Unlock the secrets to leveraging conversations in your everyday interactions to effectively market and promote your business. Don’t miss out on the wealth of knowledge and practical strategies in this episode.


[00:46] – Why CEOs can’t relinquish responsibility for telling their company’s story

[2:23] – How the value proposition between employers and employees has changed

[6:42] – No one will care about your business as much as you do

[11:13] – Getting everyone focused on solving a core problem

[13:24] – Joining the conversation happening in people’s minds

[15:19] – Creating a compelling point of view statement

[19:10] – Using content creation to establish and spread your narrative

[22:03] – Key steps CEOs can take to become evangelists

[24:01] – Pablo’s content creation cheat sheet


Are you looking to attract top talent, speed up the hiring process, and improve retention?

Learn how my Core Fit Hiring System can get you your desired results by visiting

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Email: [email protected]
