AI is NOT Replacing Jobs

AI is Not Replacing Jobs

Ep. 54: AI is NOT Replacing Jobs


In this conversation, Jeff Wald debunks the myth that AI and robotics will take away a significant number of jobs in the coming years. He explains that throughout history, similar fears have arisen with the introduction of new technologies, but the impact on jobs has been gradual and limited to repetitive, high-volume tasks. He uses the example of the ATM to illustrate how automation does not lead to job loss but rather a shift in job roles.

Jeff emphasizes the importance of staying informed about technological advancements and continuously upskilling to stay relevant in the changing job market.


  • AI and robotics are not going to take away a significant number of jobs in the coming years.
  • The fear phase is a common reaction to new technological advancements.
  • Automation and robotics primarily replace repetitive, high-volume tasks, not entire professions.
  • Staying informed about technological advancements and continuously upskilling is crucial to staying relevant in the job market.


00:20 AI and Robotics Myth

02:33 Fear and Freak Out Phase

03:29 Impact on Repetitive Tasks

05:54 Reshoring Trend

07:43 Long Process of Technological Revolution

08:11 ATM Example

12:49 Staying Relevant and Upskilling

16:06 Retooling the Workforce

17:21 Labor Shortage as the Overriding Story

19:19 Book Information

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