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How to Be a Better Manager in 6 Easy Steps

How to Be a Better Manager in 6 Easy Steps

Step into any thriving workplace and you’ll sense an energy that goes beyond the ticking of the clock or the hum of machinery. It’s the pulse of employee engagement, a vibrant force that breathes life into projects and sets the stage for success.

Yet, behind this magical combination of commitment and connection stands a wizard of sorts – the manager

Buckle up as we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets that turn managers from bosses into architects of productivity and success.

The Trust Factor: Weaving the Fabric of Connection

In our tale of workplace dynamics, trust emerges as the golden thread that weaves connection between employees and their managers.

Astonishingly, a recent Gallup study reveals that those who trust their leaders are 58% less likely to venture into the job market. However, a reality check introduces a sobering statistic – 77% of employees do not strongly agree that they trust their leadership.

This crack in the foundation can destroy employee engagement, performance, and even turnover rate.

Qualities of a Better Manager

In this competitive job market, it’s not enough to be a “good” manager. As you already know, people leave bosses, not jobs. It’s your responsibility to make sure your managers are equipped with the tools to be the best leaders they can be.

Here are some of the essential qualities that set the stage for a positive and engaging workplace that people are eager to join and slow to leave.

1. Clear Communication

We’ve all worked for the boss who gives vague instructions then gets upset when the outcome doesn’t match the expected results. That’s a stressful and frustrating work environment.

Effective communication is key to building trust and understanding. Managers who can share expectations clearly and provide guidance contribute to a transparent work environment. This empowers team members to perform at their best and contribute to the success of the team.

2. Supportive Team Approach

Have you ever had a boss who says “let me know if you have any questions,” but then when something comes up, they’re nowhere to be found?

A better manager fosters a sense of teamwork by providing support and guidance. It’s not enough to offer words of support – you have to actually show up. Instead of dictating orders, collaborate with your team and create a sense of camaraderie.

3. Attention to Fairness

From workload distribution to approving time off, fair treatment is essential for building trust. Nobody wants to stay on a team where there’s obvious favoritism.

Managers can avoid resentment by offering equal opportunities for growth and recognition. A fair playing field fosters unity.

4. Be a Coach, Not a Boss

While you may be the boss, nobody wants to work for someone who is bossy.

Effective managers act as mentors, nurturing the growth and development of their team. This coaching approach encourages personal and professional improvement. The more your team buys into your company’s values and visions, the more committed they’ll be on the jobsite.

5. Encourage and Motivate

Acknowledging and celebrating achievements is crucial for motivating employees. A better manager boosts morale by providing positive reinforcement. Make sure your praise is specific, genuine, and timely.

6. Meaningful and Frequent Feedback

When was the last time you gave your team meaningful feedback? If you’re like most managers, it was probably during the last round of annual reviews.

Research says that’s not nearly enough. According to Gallup, feedback for most jobs should occur a few times per week and is most useful when it happens right after the event.

Regular feedback is essential for employee development. If you want to be a better manager, you need to offer specific constructive criticism and praise frequently. This will help your team understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

If you want to be a better manager, make sure your team knows you welcome their feedback about your leadership style too.

Shaping a Positive Workplace

As we navigate the landscape of managers and employee engagement, it becomes clear that leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the success of an organization. 

By fostering trust and prioritizing these six essential qualities, a better manager will develop a positive work environment – a place where people are happy to show up every day and invest their time.

Companies who take time to develop effective leadership will build a culture of engagement, resulting in increased productivity, lower turnover, and overall success.

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