10 Signs It’s Time for a Recruitment Marketing Audit

Recruitment Marketing Audit

In the fast-paced world of business, attracting top talent isn’t just about posting job ads and hoping for the best. It’s about crafting a compelling employer brand that resonates with the right people. One powerful tool in achieving this is through recruitment marketing, a strategy that focuses on showcasing your company as an attractive and dynamic workplace. 

In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of a recruitment marketing audit, especially from a branding perspective, to ensure your company is not only seen but also attractive to potential candidates.

Viewing Your Company Through the Job Seeker’s Eyes:

To conduct an effective recruitment marketing audit, start by taking on the perspective of a job seeker. If this is challenging, ask your team for help. 

You can Google your company to find out what the world sees when they look you up. Then ask yourself if it aligns with your desired image. The goal of this exercise is to understand whether your company’s online presence would entice someone to join your team.

If you’re still not sure, here are 10 signs you need a recruitment marketing audit:

1. Attracting the Wrong Talent

If you’re not receiving applications from individuals with the skills you need and the culture fit the position requires, it’s time to reassess. Consider the possibility that your job ads may not be resonating or your company culture might not be effectively communicated.

To put it bluntly, if you’re not attracting good people, you’re probably not attractive to good people.

2. Negative Customer Reviews

Recent bad reviews from customers could be an indication that your overall business image needs improvement. A negative public perception can scare off potential employees from considering your company. Afterall, who wants to work for a company that doesn’t treat their customers well?

3. Poor Employee Reviews

Job seekers often turn to Glassdoor or Indeed to get the inside scoop on what it’s like to work for a company. Make sure to regularly check for negative reviews from past employees. Nobody expects you to be perfect. Addressing complaints can improve your company’s reputation and positively impact your employer brand.

4. Lack of Employee Testimonials

A lack of employee testimonials is a red flag to job seekers. Ask your happy employees to share their experiences on review sites and social media to boost your employer brand. When you host a company event, encourage your team to share photos on their social media pages. 

There’s no need to put a lot of time and effort into these. An employee testimonial should look natural and off the cuff. You could simply ask a team member to pause and take a 20 second break to record a video sharing what they love about working at your company.

5. Lack of Applications

If there’s a sudden drop in the number of applications you’re receiving, it’s time to review your platforms during a recruitment marketing audit. Make sure your job ads are being published. Sometimes a lack of application is as simple as a job board flagging your content for a rules violation, an outdated job ad, or a lack of funds to promote your listing. Review and refresh your job postings regularly to maintain visibility.

Ensure your website is up to date with an active careers page. A seamless user experience is crucial to maintaining candidate interest. 

If everything appears to be running as expected, it might be time to simplify. Candidates want a quick and easy application process.

6. Outdated Website

If your website looks like you haven’t done anything in the last few years, you have a recruitment marketing problem. An outdated website sends the message that your company may not be evolving. Regularly update your site with fresh content, testimonials, and project highlights to showcase a vibrant and dynamic workplace.

7. High Turnover

If you find yourself constantly filling the same positions, it’s time to investigate the root cause during your recruitment marketing audit. High turnover may indicate underlying issues with company culture, management, or other factors that need attention.

You can’t get ahead when you’re constantly filling the same positions.

8. Lack of Employee Referrals

If employees aren’t making referrals, it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like working with you. Sometimes they’re just lacking the skills or scripts to start the conversation with their friends and family. Provide your team with the necessary tools to effectively promote your company. The more natural, the better.

9. Candidates Unfamiliar with Your Company

When a candidate shows up to an interview and has no idea what your company does or what position you’re hiring for, you have a problem. 

Job seekers with little knowledge of your company signals a lack of brand awareness. Maybe they didn’t take the time to research you. Or, maybe there wasn’t much information that stood out to them. 

Ensure your online presence effectively communicates your company’s mission, values, and the opportunities you offer. You want a candidate who walks in excited about your company and the work you do.

10. Loss of Major Projects

It might be time for a recruitment marketing audit if you notice a decline in winning significant projects. This may be an indicator of a stagnant brand. Investigate changes in the market, your competitors, or shifts in client expectations to adapt and regain your competitive edge.

While gaining new business may not seem related to hiring great people, they can be closely aligned.

Use a Recruitment Marketing Audit to Hire the Best Candidates

In a competitive job market, a strong employer brand is a key differentiator. Regular recruitment marketing audits, with a focus on employer branding, can help your company stay ahead in attracting and retaining top talent. By addressing the signs outlined in this article, you can build a reputation that attracts the right candidates and fosters a positive and engaging workplace culture.

In the world of recruitment marketing, a strong employer brand is your most valuable asset.