How AI is Disrupting Our Industry And What We Can Do About It

How AI Is Disrupting Our Industry

I was recently interviewed by Cynthia Corsetti at Authority Magazine to talk about How AI is Disrupting Our Industry, And What We Can Do About It.

Here’s a recap:

Artificial Intelligence is no longer the future; it is the present. It’s reshaping landscapes, altering industries, and transforming the way we live and work. With its rapid advancement, AI is causing disruption — for better or worse — in every field imaginable. While it promises efficiency and growth, it also brings challenges and uncertainties that professionals and businesses must navigate.

What can one do to pivot if AI is disrupting their industry? As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Ryan Englin. Ryan is the Founder and CEO of Core Matters, host of the Titans of the Trades podcast, and bestselling author of Hire Better People Faster. Over the past 20 years, he’s helped hundreds of businesses hire thousands of great employees by revolutionizing the way America’s service industries attract, hire, and retain talent.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

Growing up with an entrepreneur father, I learned the challenges of hiring and retention early on. Often, my whole family pitched in to help in the shop, on the floor, and in the warehouse. Looking back, I realized it was a lack of people that kept my dad at the plant instead of home with our family.

After graduation, I worked in corporate America for over a decade, mastering the art of how to build high-performing teams. With an unlimited budget, I quickly learned what worked and what didn’t. Eventually, I set out on a journey to build a system that could help ANY company attract, hire, and retain as much top talent as they wanted.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

The day I realized recruiting is a marketing activity, not a function of HR, will always stand out to me. I started sharing that with my clients and it really resonated with them. Now we share that recruiting is marketing and interviewing is a sales activity. It’s the human side of hiring that so many traditionally trained people forget.

At Core Matters, we help companies implement a process to hire better people faster and retain engaged, high-performing employees. We do this by helping companies get clear on who they are and attract high-quality candidats by turning recruiting into a competitive marketing activity that makes them stand out from their competition.

Core Matters stands out because we show people how to execute on the tools and techniques no matter their industry or background.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
  1. Always improve. I constantly challenge the status quo and never settle for mediocrity. I’m always looking for new ways to grow, learn, and become better. You’ll never hear my team say “but that’s the way we’ve always done it…”
  2. Serve others. I believe in putting others’ needs, wants, and dreams ahead of my own. I truly care about my team and my clients.
  3. Deliver great experiences. To me, every moment matters. Instead of simple transactions, I deliver amazing experiences where every touchpoint is carefully crafted. I want to serve my customers in a memorable way.
Let’s now move to the main point of our discussion about AI. Can you explain how AI is disrupting your industry? Is this disruption hurting or helping your bottom line?

Knowing how easy it is to access AI, it’s important for companies to consider how job seekers might be using it to their advantage too. We recently wrote an article about how a job seeker can use AI to create a fake resume — which adds a new layer of disruption to an already complicated hiring world.

In our article, we shared a harrowing example where I used ChatGPT prompts to create a fictitious resume for a HVAC Service Manager job. Almost instantly, it spit out a resume that appeared to be professionally written and spoke directly to the job posting. I even had ChatGPT add metrics and data specific to the job. Since we know the average recruiter is only spending 6–8 seconds looking at an application, the metrics made the resume stand out. Only none of it was real…

We know companies use AI to streamline processes, it’s time companies are aware how job seekers are using AI to their advantage. Now, more than ever, it’s critical that companies really dig in during the interview process to make sure their candidate is authentic before extending a job offer.

Which specific AI technology has had the most significant impact on your industry?

AI is changing recruiting and hiring. From streamlining the screening process to writing job ads, it can help identify the best candidate faster and cheaper than ever. Moving candidates through the hiring process efficiently means they’re more likely to be on the market when you extend an offer.

Can you share a pivotal moment when you recognized the profound impact AI would have on your sector?

I’ll never forget the day someone told me they didn’t need my help writing job ads anymore.

That was the day I realized we have to be a part of AI. We have to incorporate it in the work we do. AI will never replace the human touch on things, but it can expedite and improve it.

How are you preparing your workforce for the integration of AI, and what skills do you believe will be most valuable in an AI-enhanced future?

I’m always looking for ways to complement my team’s skills and increase our prototyping, testing, and evaluations.

Employees who are good at writing instructions will thrive in an AI-enhanced future. If you look at AI like an assistant, giving it clear instructions for what you need help with, it’ll be able to produce quality work that only needs a quick review.

Integrating AI into your hiring process will save time and money when used with caution.

What are the biggest challenges in upskilling your workforce for an AI-centric future?

Businesses that can’t afford to stay on top of the latest AI trends may worry about how they’ll keep up with their larger competitors. By knowing what they need to focus on and what can be ignored, they can put their time and resources into the most beneficial AI for their company.

What ethical considerations does AI introduce into your industry, and how are you tackling these concerns?

AI makes it too easy to embellish. We see it in fake resumes, employer job ads, and beyond. With a few vague prompts, AI will fill in the rest.We believe AI is a tool, not a solution. While it can save you time and effort, anything computer-generated needs careful human review before publishing.

AI gives creativity to those without it. You can enter any generic idea and ask AI to give you another way to say it. Then pick the option you think will resonate with your consumer. Creativity comes quicker as you get better at inputting prompts.

-Ryan Englin

What are your “Five Things You Need To Do, If AI Is Disrupting Your Industry”?
  1. Use AI to automate the easy stuff. By getting the simple, time-consuming tasks off your list, you’ll be able to spend more energy doing the creative things only people can do.
  2. Take advantage of creativity. AI gives creativity to those without it. You can enter any generic idea and ask AI to give you another way to say it. Then pick the option you think will resonate with your consumer. Creativity comes quicker as you get better at inputting prompts.
  3. Understand how to improve what AI provides. AI starts the process, but it can’t be the last step. Human review will always be necessary.
  4. Learn to use AI for version testing. From headlines to copy layout, a new twist on your old copy could make all the difference.
  5. Don’t chase every new thing. AI is constantly changing. There are so many new ideas. You’ll never be able to keep up with all of them. Find the tools that make the biggest difference for your company.

What are the most common misconceptions about AI within your industry, and how do you address them?

It may seem like AI is brand new to HR and recruiting, but companies have been using it to review resumes for years. Some companies have even started using AI to write job ads. What used to be reserved for companies with big budgets and lots of volume is now readily available to anyone, using easy-to-access, free platforms.

AI can be a great tool to enhance business operations, but it’s not a replacement for the personalized element a team can bring to writing effective job ads.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?

“If you want what you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.”

This has been true in my life. I started my own business because I wanted something different. I knew I had to go a different route.

Off-topic, but I’m curious. As someone steering the ship, what thoughts or concerns often keep you awake at night? How do those thoughts influence your daily decision-making process?

I’m always thinking about how we can get our message out to more people faster.

At Core Matters, we’re on a bold mission to change the lives of blue collar entrepreneurs. We help the lifeblood of America’s economy find the people they need to create the businesses they want. What we offer is transformative, disruptive, and different.

Sharing this with as many businesses as possible is at the heart of every decision we make.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

I want to make the trades cool again.

We can help make this happen by teaching the industry how to market and present itself so young people are excited to join the adventure.

About the Interviewer 

Cynthia Corsetti is an esteemed executive coach with over two decades in corporate leadership and 11 years in executive coaching. Author of the upcoming book, “Dark Drivers,” she guides high-performing professionals and Fortune 500 firms to recognize and manage underlying influences affecting their leadership. Beyond individual coaching, Cynthia offers a 6-month executive transition program and partners with organizations to nurture the next wave of leadership excellence.