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Delivering the Pullback Offer During Your Job Offer Conversation

Delivering the Pullback Offer During Your Job Offer Conversation

Imagine this: you’ve found the perfect candidate, someone who checks every box and seems ready to hit the ground running. The job offer conversation is just around the corner, but instead of rushing through it and pushing for a “yes,” what if you slowed down and used this as an opportunity to dig deeper?

This is where the Pullback Offer comes into play. It’s a game-changing strategy that makes sure both parties are on the same page before signing on the dotted line.

In blue collar industries where turnover can be high, getting the job offer right is critical. By using the Pullback Offer technique, you can avoid the dreaded “yes” that turns into a “no” after a few weeks on the job. In this article, we’ll break down how to deliver the Pullback Offer, why it works, and why it should become an essential part of your job offer conversation strategy.

What Is a Pullback Offer?

The Pullback Offer is an intentional stage in the hiring process that is delivered during the job offer meeting. It’s a chance for you to slow down, reflect, and make sure that you and the candidate are truly aligned. Instead of rushing straight to an offer, you say something like, “I’d like to make you an offer, but first, I want to talk about a few things.”

This simple statement sets the tone for an open and honest conversation – one where concerns can be verbalized, expectations can be clarified, and both parties can evaluate if this is truly the right fit. It also gives the candidate something tangible to take home, such as a written outline of the offer that they can discuss with their family. This shows you’re serious about them joining the team and that you value their decision-making process.

Why the Pullback Offer Matters During the Job Offer Conversation

20% of new hires quit within the first 45 days on the job. –Top Trends & Insights, SHRM

In blue collar industries, people are often hired quickly to meet the urgent demands of production, deadlines, and project needs. However, rushing the hiring process without setting proper expectations can lead to higher turnover and underperformance. The Pullback Offer forces both parties to think critically about the decision.

For example, imagine you’re hiring a foreman for a construction crew. Before extending the offer, you could ask questions like, “What’s the best way to communicate with you when things are chaotic on-site?” or “How will you handle it if the crew gets behind schedule?” These questions don’t just help you understand the candidate – they also help the candidate reflect on whether or not they can meet your expectations.

The Pullback Offer works because it addresses key concerns up front, such as:

  • Communication Style. Maybe you prefer direct, in person conversations, while the candidate prefers more detailed, written explanations.
  • Frustrations. Understanding each other’s pet peeves early on (tardiness, incomplete reports, missed deadlines) prevents problems later.
  • Job Performance Expectations. Clarifying how they’ll know if they’re doing a good job reduces anxiety and improves performance.

These are critical conversations that allow you to lay the foundation for a successful working relationship.

Keys to a Successful Pullback Offer

Delivering a Pullback Offer takes preparation and finesse. Here are some key tips to ensure it goes smoothly:

  1. Know What You’re Going to Say.

Preparation is everything. Before the meeting, outline the points you want to cover and anticipate any concerns the candidate might raise. If you know a candidate has family commitments, be ready to discuss how flexible the schedule can be. The goal is to give the candidate as much information as possible so they can make an informed decision.

  1. Role Play It with a Colleague.

Get feedback from a colleague or mentor by role playing the job offer conversation. They can help you spot any areas that might come off as too rigid or too casual. Fine-tuning the delivery can make a huge difference in how the offer is received.

  1. Keep It Conversational.

The Pullback Offer should feel more like a dialogue than an interrogation. Ask open-ended questions, such as, “How do you like to be coached when you’re learning something new?” This gives the candidate a chance to show whether they’re coachable and adaptable.

  1. Allow the Candidate to Ask Questions.

Make sure you give them the space to ask questions about the role without feeling incompetent. This is especially important in roles where expectations might not always be clear-cut.

The Goal of the Pullback Offer: Full Buy-In

At the end of the day, the goal of the Pullback Offer isn’t just to get a “yes” but to get a meaningful yes. You want the candidate to walk away from the meeting feeling confident in their decision to join your team – and for you to feel confident that they’re a good fit for the job.

A foreman who says yes because they feel pressured into it might quit a few weeks later when the job isn’t what they expected. But a foreman who says yes after a Pullback Offer conversation will have thought through the challenges and expectations of the role, making their decision with full buy-in.

This conversation also allows you to clarify your concerns and see if the candidate is willing to address them. If there are any red flags – such as the candidate getting defensive when you mention that the job requires work in all four seasons – it’s better to know now than after they’ve already joined your team.

Align Expectations for Long-Term Success

The Pullback Offer is a powerful tool during your job offer conversation, especially in industries where turnover and poor performance are common concerns. By slowing down and having this honest, open conversation with candidates, you’ll be able to ensure that both sides are aligned on expectations and committed to a long-term, successful relationship.

Want to learn more about Pullback Offers and setting up your new hires for success? Book a call to learn how the Core Fit Hiring System will help your company achieve and exceed its goals.

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