Turn It On Electric

"Core Matters helped us devise a system that took us to the next level and we are going to have our best year ever!"

– Chad Ridenour

Let me talk about Ryan England and Corn Matters for a minute.

We were struggling with trying to find the right people for the right seats, and ultimately what I figured out was that I’m a bad judge of character. Some amazing people who came through were great people, but they just didn’t quite fit the seat.

Ryan helped us devise a program to where we can go through and try to understand what it is that we needed, what it is that we were looking for, what it is that we were hiring, what was realistic, what wasn’t realistic and ultimately helped us devise a system that really took us to the next level.

Now I’ve got some amazing people that actually really fit their seats, and we are growing from a company that was, to be honest, losing money, and then now we’re in a position to where 2019 is going to be our best year ever.

Ryan England gets this. He gets people, he understands it. Core Matters is his amazing program. They really help you out, and I’ve got to tell you, as a business owner, finding the right people and ensuring that I’ve got the right people on this bus is paramount to making this thing work. We did well before, but now we’re destined for greatness.

Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate you. Turn It On Electric